Hi chums!
So this summer I made the trip across the pond to the US and headed down the Florida Keys to Key West. I spent two nights there and did a lot of exploring while I was there so I wanted to share some snaps with you!
I have also vlogged my day so click
here if you would like to see it.
The first thing we did was go to the historic sea port which was so pretty! We also found this cool sign which you can see above. You can find it between the Turtle Kraals and the Half Shell Raw Bar.
This was my first time in Key West and it's honestly such a different vibe to any other place I've been. It's super laid back and alternative. Everything is so colourful and we were lucky enough to have bright sunshine the whole time.
We had breakfast at a place right near the sea port called Harpoon Harry's. We honestly loved this so much that we went back the next day and chose exactly the same food. The waitresses were so friendly and the food was delicious and came so quickly!
One of the main streets in Key West is called Duval Street so we walked along there. It has all sorts of cute restaurants, cafes and shops. There are also lots of small art galleries that we loved having a look at.
PS How cute is this Hard Rock restaurant below!
Also the fact that they had a whole shop dedicated to hammocks was the most amazing thing ever!
So obviously we couldn't head to Key West without visiting the Southernost Point! The thing that most people don't tell you is that there is always a huge queue of people queuing to take a photo in front of it! For some reason still unknown to me, we decided to queue in the middle of the day and had to stand in the blazing sun for ages - but the important thing is we got the snap!
Another well-known sight in Key West is Hemingway's house. Being from England, neither my family nor I ever studied Hemingway so as we didn't have a particular interest, we decided not to go in. The outside looked so pretty though!
If you continue down the street that Heminway's house is located, you'll find lots of other cute houses.
I almost died when I found a street with my name - dream come true!!
On yet another quest caused by Pinterest, we headed on a long walk to Fort Zachery in search of the sign you can see below which I had saved as a pin weeks before we went.
If you're planning on going and it's super hot like it was when we went, I would encourage you to drive there because although it's not too far, when you feel like you're about to die from heat it can seem miles and miles long!
To end the day we went on a sunset trip on a glass-bottom boat which was really fun! We headed off at 6:00 in the light and saw some fishies in a reef. At around 8:00 the sun set and we had such a great view from the boat!
The Key West sunset was the perfect way to finish to day, but as it was so amazing I decided that I'll do a different post for that which will be up soon!
Thanks for reading!