Hi everyone!
One place I went to visit whilst staying in Madrid is Avila which is a small town just over an hour away from Madrid.
One of the most impressive things about this town was the huge medieval wall which surrounds it which means you can see it from miles away.
I was so excited to have a look around this old Spanish town and it didn't disappoint! We parked on the outside of the high walls and walked through a massive arch into the town.
The streets were really cute and pebbled and there was lots of Roman-looking architecture which was so pretty!
We had actually come to Avila as a stop-off on our way to Salamanca but I'm so glad we visited it because it was so much fun having a look round. We stopped off for some lunch which was super yummy but it was so hot and we were frying alive in the sun!
The thing I found weird about the cathedral was how Gothic it looked because all the other buildings looked so Roman. The cathedral was very impressive but unfortunately there was some building work going on so I wasn't able to see all of it completely.
We didn't go inside the cathedral but we did see a wedding party leaving the cathedral after the service and taking all the pictures in front of the cathedral which was fun to watch.
The last thing that I vividly remember about Avila is the weird door handle above. It kind of reminded me a bit of Snow White with the apple but I thought it was both creepy and cool so I loved it!
I hope you enjoyed this relatively short post about Avila. It was such a fun place to visit but obviously it wasn't massive so if you're thinking of going to visit I would suggest going for a couple of hours on the way to somewhere else (like Salamanca which is where we headed).