Hi chums!
Day 2 in Seville was a super important day because it was my birthday! In the morning I got out of bed and was super excited to open the curtains to bright sunsh- Wait. Hold up. Rain?!?!?!?! SAY IT AIN'T SO!
So unfortunately it did rain a bit in the morn, but we went out anyway, the experienced travellers we are with the perfect clothing and an umbrella each- well, I wish that was true. The sad truth was that we were wandering around rainy Seville in shorts and dresses and with one umbrella between the four of us. This was less than ideal so we did what anyone would do in this situation, a solution which has solved many a problem. Coffee coffee coffee.
But did this rain last? Hell no! It soon brightened up and we were in that cathedral faster than you can say iglesia.
The cathedral was really pretty and it is also the resting place of Christopher Columbus (below).
You can go up the cathedral to the bell tower and the views are so fab!
When you exit the cathedral there is an adorable courtyard with lots of trees (and mucha gente).
The next place we visited was Casa de Pilatos. WARNING: do not be fooled by your dad - this is NOT Pontius Pilate's house. In fact, it's doubtful if he even went to Seville.
Despite this minor slip up, the house was super cool! The mosaics were insanely detailed and intricate.
I took so so many photos here and it was hard to cut them down for this post so I just threw a whole load in anyway!
After leaving Casa de Pilatos, we had a bit of a wander round and came across this super photogenic red/pink and yellow church.
Then we headed to what we called The Honeycomb, but what was actually called Parasol shopping centre.
When we arrived there, they were setting up for some sort of music show underneath The Honeycomb.
On top, there is a kind of figure of 8 footpath along with some viewing platforms.
When we went the sun was going down so we decided to wait a little bit to watch the sunset which was SO worth it - would 100% recommend.
So all in all, it was a pretty fab birthday and by the end of the day we completely forgot the rainy morning we woke up to!
Love as always,
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